Kudos Mr President Elect Obama.
I just watched your first address to the American public regarding your briefing on the economic conditions of our country.
Invariably the question had to be asked regarding the puppy soon to grace your home and entertain your family.
I do not envy you your choices: the pressure to succumb to the desire to appease a segment of this society to 'adopt' a shelter pet when they themselves fail to tell you that there is no assurance associated with such an acquisition. Although it would be nice to order a pup from a shelter ala carte free of the allergens associated with dogs it is simply not possible. The likelihood of finding a hypo-allergenic dog at a shelter, although possible is not without the associated risks of temperament, the reasons it was surrendered to a shelter; compatible disposition for two young daughters? Housebroken? It would be a tragedy to have a new pet come to the most prestigious address in the world to use it as a toilet. I know you are well intentioned, I have to say you handled the conference with grace and dignity.
I liked the comment "a mutt like me" for a couple of reasons. One, we share a similar heritage, of mixed parents, dubious beginnings and a vision for a better future for our families. Although I cannot comment that I agree with all of your policies, I can share the view that as my new President, I must give you the benefit of the doubt and allow you to lead before I pass judgment.
Your selection of a pure bred dog is not without pitfalls as well. Although you can achieve the predictability that you cannot with a shelter dog or a mutt like a Golden-doodle or any of the designer crosses, at least you have options that will enable you to determine the best suited pet for your household.
My personal recommendations in descending order and reasons for such:
Irish Water Spaniel Traditionally used as a gun dog, they are not a popular breed. They are medium to large, have wonderful temperaments and usually love children. They do require coat care, but not so much as a Bichon or the Poodle, from which it is said that these dogs are derived. They require exercise that I imagine two little girls would certainly be able to provide, love to play and are not known to be aggressive. They can be stubborn, but are intelligent and loyal companions.
American Water Spaniel Also used as a hunting dog, they are delightful little dogs, averaging in height around a foot at the shoulder. They carry two distinct coat types, the marcel, which is a wavy, hairlike texture and a curly coat much like the Irish Water Spaniel. They require less coat care than the Irish, are substantially smaller, but can be willful. They are energetic, are usually natural retrievers and are also uncommon. They would meet the hypo allergenic properties you are looking for and are wonderful companions providing they get adequate exercise and have appropriate training.
Poodle Offered in three distinct sizes, all carry the same coat properties, color selections and texture. They are lively dogs that are keenly intelligent and very active. The coat requires a considerable amount of maintenance, but there are several clips that are much less low maintenance and keep the dog attractive without looking 'frilly'. Their drawbacks as with a lot of purebred dogs is the propensity for health issues, so when selecting any of the pure breeds, please research the genetic testing your dog's sire and dam have undergone so you can avoid the heartbreak of having to treat your dog for a variety of genetic anomalies.
These are my personal choices, backed by personal knowledge of the breeds and an admiration for them.
Not that you would take my advise however, but for your consideration; not all breeders are bad, and not all shelters and breed rescues are all that altruistic. It would seem to me that you have far deeper concerns than the pet you bring home for your family, but since the outrage on some of your associations recently and in the past, it is probably best to know who your sources of information are.
It is a known fact that HSUS has financially supported such domestic terrorist organizations like PETA and ALF less discreetly in the past than now, and as a non profit organization has created a war chest similar to your own.
It is also true that although some people who breed dogs are less than honest about their product, there are breeders out there who are genuinely concerned about the health and welfare of their dogs and have only the best of intentions.
Your Vice-President Elect has made a decision to purchase a pup from a breeder of German Shepherd Dogs and has taken steps in assuring the pup gets the right start with training and socialization. He has made a dubious choice, for himself, for the rights of conscientious breeders everywhere. Research will bear out on the type and quality of the breeder he chose.
It would do well for the President of this country to not be denuded by the current opinion and choose wisely.
Best of luck to you and your family.
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7 years ago
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