
Don't Feel Much Like Dancin'

FWIW, the weather sucks here today, even after the glorious weekend and the MAJOR accomplishment of finally getting the main garden bed tilled and in the final stages of Ready. As in, for planting.

Not like it mattered much though in the long run, I'm on my fourth day of flu, my first day upright and mobile and clean past the essentials soldiers learn about in field hygiene.

But it is raining like crazy here. My freshly tilled garden looks more and more like a mud wrestling pit and my back is achin' just looking at all the goodly sized rocks that will need to be husked out of that mess before any real planting can occur.

I thank Larry for the use of his tractor and tiller. I know what's first on my Christmas list this year.

That and all the time in the world to play on it.

But I digress.

Before my fatal collapse into physical turpitude on Thursday night, I had the pleasure of working with a young lab student and was able to introduce her to her first bird work.

She really didn't want to put that in her mouth. Cute-n-fuzzy or not...

The pup's a good egg though. Clearly the hatchling is too.