At one end of the leash, a dog; the other end, a VOTER. It is my constitutional right to own a gun, but some freak without a clue wants to legislate the breed of dog I own? Indeed.
What is it with people who think they can legislate common sense or heaven forbid, MORALITY! Each of us is endowed with the lessons of our ancestors, but there comes a time when we are assumed responsible for our actions. Michael Vick although a product of an environment very dissimilar to my own, engenders what people of his socio-economic background view as hope for themselves, for their futures. He chose to exploit his celebrity in ways profoundly opposed to those ideals set forth by polite society. In so doing, he further augments the deliberate attempts of a few individuals to extinguish a breed of dog by virtue of it's bad press. Remember the dogs who died because they WOULD NOT FIGHT. In horrible ways.
What he did was indeed wrong, under any measure, by any 'polite society'.
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7 years ago
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